WSET Επίπεδο 4 στο Κρασί
About this course

ή Δόσεις
Η επιλογή των δόσεων αναδιαμορφώνει την τελική αξία των διδάκτρων και o αριθμός των δόσεων εφαρμόζεται κατά την ολοκλήρωση της παραγγελίας σας, στο Ταμείο.
WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines – Παγκόσμιος ηγετικός τίτλος σπουδών.
Σχετικά με το course
Η Πιστοποίηση WSET Επίπεδο 4 στο Κρασί έχει δομηθεί έτσι ώστε να προετοιμάζει τους σπουδαστές για την ανάληψη ανώτατων διοικητικών θέσεων στις αγορές του κρασιού. Το πρόγραμμα σπουδών του WSET Diploma δεν εξελίσσει μόνο την «προϊοντική» γνώση των σπουδαστών του σε υψηλά επίπεδα, αλλά και τους επιτρέπει να αποκτήσουν δεξιότητες και προσόντα, για παράδειγμα, στην έρευνα και στην σύνταξη αναφορών και παρουσιάσεων, τα οποία θα τα χρειαστούν στην μετέπειτα εξέλιξη της καριέρας τους. Το WSET Diploma επομένως δημιουργεί στους σπουδαστές την ικανότητα να καταθέτουν τη γνώση σε μια μορφή κατάλληλη για την παγκόσμια βιομηχανία οίνου και αποσταγμάτων.
Η επιτυχία στις εξετάσεις είναι απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση απονομής της Πιστοποίησης και η ίδια η Πιστοποίηση είναι προαπαιτούμενη για την απόκτηση του κορυφαίου διεπαγγελματικού τίτλου παγκοσμίως “Master of Wine”.
Το WSET Diploma χωρίζεται σε πέντε θεματικές ενότητες και απαιτεί από τον σπουδαστή να αποδείξει επάρκεια και γνώση και στις πέντε μέσα από μια πληθώρα μεθόδων αξιολόγησης. Ο σπουδαστής προετοιμάζεται για τα διαγωνίσματά του, μέσα από ένα άρτια δομημένο πρόγραμμα διδασκαλίας, γευσιγνωσιών, ερευνητικών εργασιών και πρόχειρων διαγωνισμάτων.
Το WSET Diploma απαιτεί από τους σπουδαστές να επιδείξουν ισχυρή αφοσίωση και δουλειά τόσο μέσα στην τάξη, όσο και εκτός τάξης. Οι σπουδαστές καλούνται να ξεπεράσουν τις 600 ώρες ατομικής μελέτης. Το εκπαιδευτικό αυτό πρόγραμμα διδάσκεται κυρίως από experts της παγκόσμιας αγοράς. Πολλοί από αυτούς είναι MWs (Masters of Wine).
Οι απόφοιτοι του Diploma γίνονται αυτομάτως μέλη του οργανισμού Institute of Wines and Spirits (IWS). Ο οργανισμός αυτός είναι ένα παγκόσμιο δίκτυο συνεργασιών και διασυνδέσεων που λειτουργεί υπό την εποπτεία του WSET London και που επιτρέπει στα μέλη του την άμεση πρόσβαση και άσκηση επιρροής στο παγκόσμιο εμπορικό γίγνεσθαι. Μόνο οι κάτοχοι Diploma έχουν το αποκλειστικό προνόμιο εισαγωγής και χρήσης του δικτύου μέσω της ένταξής τους στο Dip WSET (Alumni Body).
Η εισαγωγή του WSET Diploma έχει τεράστια σημασία για την ελληνική αγορά καθώς αυτό αποτελεί την προαπαιτούμενη βαθμίδα εκπαίδευσης για την απόκτηση του κορυφαίου διεπαγγελματικού τίτλου παγκοσμίως “Master of Wine”. Οι υποψήφιοι σπουδαστές και μελλοντικοί κάτοχοι του Diploma θα είναι ικανοί να ανταποκριθούν στις υψηλές απαιτήσεις της παγκόσμιας αγοράς και συνεπώς στην παγκόσμια ανάδειξη της χώρας τους. Η φοίτηση γίνεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά. Η αποφοίτηση των επιτυχόντων διεξάγεται στην Ελλάδα από το WSPC. Επιπλέον, στην έδρα του οργανισμού, στο Λονδίνο, διεξάγεται η παγκόσμια απονομή των τίτλων του WSET Diploma, συγκεντρώνοντας όλους τους αποφοίτους από όλες τις χώρες του κόσμου.
Πρόγραμμα Μαθημάτων και Διδακτέα Ύλη
Επιπέδου 4 στο Κρασί
Learning Goals
The Diploma is delivered in six mandatory units covering a broad range of topics including wine production, wine business, and still, sparkling and fortified wines of the world.
D1: Wine production
- Vine requirements
- Anatomy of the vine and grape
- Grape growing options, explaining and evaluating the different approaches and how these options affect grape yields, quality and the final wine produced
- Natural factors in the vineyard and how they influence the vine’s ability to produce grapes for wines of different styles, quality levels and price
- Winemaking and post-fermentation options and how they influence the style, quality and price of wines
D2: Wine business
- The types of businesses engaged in wine production and the options for getting wine to the point of sale
- Factors that contribute to the price of wine
- Key considerations in wine marketing
D3: Wines of the world | D4: Sparkling wines D5: Fortified wines
- How grape-growing, winemaking, maturation, wine law and wine business influence the style, quality and price of the principal still wines (D3), sparkling wines (D4) and fortified wines (D5) of the world.
- How to taste and evaluate still wines (D3), sparkling wines (D4) and fortified wines (D5) using the WSET Level 4 Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine®(SAT)
D6: Independent research assignment
- How to research a specified wine-related subject
- For registration refer to 210 9882540 & 544 or e-mail us at (
To validate the participation at the course:
- the first installment or the full amount of the tuition fees must be paid prior to the deadline, through the e-shop, or by making a bank deposit, and
- the official Application Form must be fully filled out and returned to the Diploma Officer.
- To enroll you have to be: at least 18 years old, and a WSET Level 3 Award in Wines Graduate.
- It is necessary to have a valid email address, as all information about your studies is electronically documented
- Fees get paid in advance in order:
- the student to verify the application’s validity and be certain for his/ her place to the course
- the students get assigned with their WSET candidate number in order to be able to visit the WSET global campus relevant to the WSET Diploma &
- the student to be able to receive, in advance any codes or documents needed for their studies/tutorials.
- In the occasion due to force majeure, that the Greek Government applies restrictions and or lockdown to educational organizations and lessons are interrupted, as happened with the COVID-19 pandemic, WSPC will provide the courses through an online platform and lessons will continue as normal. The online courses are an exact extension and continuation of your studies, within the respective regulations required by the Greek Ministry of Education.
- Receiving your Certificate from WSET:
Following the successful completion of the course and receiving passing grades in each and every section, your Certificate will be issued by WSET.
You will receive your Certificate by WSPC, during the Graduation Ceremony.In the even that you misplace or damage the original Certificate, a duplicate copy will be issued after the payment of the appropriate fee.
Cancellation Terms & Policy
- The program tuition is paid in full prior to the commencement of each block and applies only to the specific selected course. Tuition fees are non-transferrable to future courses.
- The registration can be cancelled up to one (1) month before the course date. However, a minimum administrative charge will be deducted plus the cost of the registration & materials fees plus the bank transfer charges.
- For fees paid by credit card, a handling fee of 3.5% of the paid course fee will be restrained.
- Cancellation less than one month before the course date will incur the loss of the first installment fee.
- Cancellation after the start of the program will incur the loss of the whole tuition fees amount.
- Any withdrawals are not refundable (course and/ or exam/s).
- In the occasion that you are not able to attend the course due to coronavirus restrictions (lockdown) that may apply in your country of residence/origin, WSPC will offer a postponement of your enrolment to the next Diploma class.
- Once the registration deadline has passed no late registrations will be accepted.
- Liability: For accidents and other damages we can only inherit liabilities within the scope of the legal liability. We do not inherit liabilities for accidents and other damages on the way to and from the course venues. At tending excursions and visiting programmes etc. are at your own risk. Furthermore WSPC is not liable for lost clothing, valuables, etc.
- WSPC maintains the right to cancel a course due to insufficient student enrollment. In such an event enrolled students will either be transferred to the next available course or will be fully paying back the tuition fees minus the cost of the registration & materials fees: €390,00. In the occasion of cancellations, we cannot refund incurred expenses. Please be aware of programme changes.
Methods of Payment:
- Bank Deposit
Eden Mare Branch (155).
Currency: Euro.
Account/ Company Name: WSPC LTD.
Account No.: 118-00-2330-000482
IBAN: GR33 0140 1180 1180 0233 0000 482
Sygrou Branch.
Currency: Euro.
Account/ Company Name: Wine & Spirit Professional Centre LTD/ Educational Organization.
Account No.: 6727-113141-025
IBAN: GR73 0171 7270 0067 2711 3141 025
Currency: Euro
Account/ Company Name: Wine & Spirit Professional Centre LTD/ Educational Organization.
Account No.: 0026.0019.54.0201143015
IBAN: GR06 0260 0190 0005 4020 1143 015When depositing the fees, candidates are required to complete their full name & details. In the case of the deposits made by Firms, the full company name & address must be shown.
- Credit card: Visa & MasterCard (for full payment or payment by installments).
Main principles
The following expectations are designed to improve the quality of the WSPC classroom experience. We therefore ask our students to honor the following principles aimed at building a positive and productive learning environment based on mutual respect while in class.
Do not miss classes
Students that attend classes regularly are more likely to pass their exams – and with better grades. In case of absence, it is a student’s responsibility to catch up with notes, assignments and /or wines tasted in class that day.
Do not be late
Arriving on time to class is an act of respect for your fellow students and instructors. If, despite your best efforts, you arrive late, make sure you enter the classroom discreetly and pick the first available seat.
Come to class well prepared
Preparation before class is essential for a better understanding of the curricula. Students that turn in assignments on time build up their knowledge and increase the possibility of scoring higher at exams. Assignments not turned in within the deadline will not be accepted.
Turn your mobile off while in class
This is also a sign of respect. In case you are expecting an urgent call, you are kindly requested to inform your instructor at the beginning of the class and keep your mobile on silent mode. Upon call reception, please exit the class as discreetly as possible.
Please note that the use of portable electronic devices (mobile, laptop, MP3 player etc) while in class is not allowed, as can be distracting to faculty and students, may infringe upon privacy or copyright, and can have a negative effect on classroom discussions. The bottles of every wine flight tasted remain in display after class, so students may take photos of the labels for their convenience.
Avoid side conversations
This is common courtesy towards your classmates and instructors. Talking to each other may be distracting and counterproductive.
Avoid dominating discussion
Participation in class is important and queries enhance comprehension of the curricula. The time dedicated to Q&As is based on the instructor’s discretion. It is important that students respect the time set for queries during class, avoid talking out of turn and give others a fair opportunity to participate.
Important information about examinations
Entry Requirements & Registration for Examinations
Candidates must enroll with an APP as a Diploma student before registering for any examination.
It is strongly recommended that candidates read the documents in the Resources section of the online area; this provides key guidance on how to approach the theory and tasting examinations.
Candidates can obtain registration dates for D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5 examinations and the D6 Independent Research Assignment from WSPC.
No deferral of examinations/Independent Research Assignments is permitted once registration has been completed. In the case of extenuating circumstances please contact WSPC. Please note that examination fees are non-refundable following registration as an examination candidate.
Reasonable Adjustments
Examination candidates who have special examination requirements that are supported by an independent written assessment are requested to notify the examinations officer at WSPC of any such requirement at the time of enrolment for each Unit. Further guidance for examination officers and candidates is available from WSET Awards as required.
It is the policy of WSPC that such candidates should not be placed at a disadvantage in the examinations.
Candidates are responsible for informing WSPC of any such requirement at the time of registration for the examination.
Submission of the Independent Research Assignment
Independent Research Assignments not submitted by the relevant submission date will be automatically classed as Fail. Candidates will forfeit their examination fee and must re-register for an alternative submission date.
Candidates classified Fail for any Independent Research Assignment must apply to resubmit a new assignment title.
Candidates have two opportunities to submit the Independent Research Assignment each academic year. There will be two different titles released at the start of the academic year, one for each submission date. A candidate cannot complete the title for the January submission and submit in July.
Independent Research Assignments must only contain the candidate number; no submission should include the candidate’s name.
For each Unit an electronic all-candidate grade list will be issued by WSET so that we can communicate results to the candidates. These grade lists will be issued within the following timeframes:
Unit Title | Results Delivery |
D1 Wine Production | 10 weeks after the exam |
D2 Wine Business | 10 weeks after the exam |
D3 Wines of the World | 12 weeks after the exam |
D4 Sparkling Wines | 10 weeks after the exam |
D5 Fortified Wines | 10 weeks after the exam |
D6 Independent Research Assignment | 12 weeks after the exam |
Marks for individual Units will be given to the nearest percentage point and results will be graded as follows:
Percentage Mark | Grade |
75% and above | Pass with distinction |
65% to 74% | Pass with merit |
55% to 64% | Pass |
45% to 54% | Fail |
Below 45% | Fail unclassified |
For Units D1, D2 and D6 the grade issued will be based on the percentage mark achieved in the assessment.
For Units D4 and D5 the grade issued will be based on the overall percentage mark achieved in the assessment as an aggregate of the open-response and tasting components. A minimum of 45% must be achieved in both the open-response and tasting components, with a minimum aggregate percentage of 55%, to qualify for a Pass grade and above.
For Unit D3 the grade issued will be based on the overall percentage mark achieved in the assessment as an aggregate of the open-response and tasting components. A minimum of 55% must be achieved in both the open-response and tasting components to qualify for a Pass grade and above.
Candidates may apply to retake failed Units. There is no limit on the number of attempts that may be made.
Candidates who have passed Units are not permitted to retake these to improve their grade.
Unit Title | Re-sit Fees |
D1 Wine Production (previously known as Unit 2) | €191 |
D2 Wine Business (previously known as Unit 1 Case Study) | €191 |
D3 Wines of the World (previously known as Unit 3) Theory | €266 |
D3 Wines of the World (previously known as Unit 3) Tasting | €458 |
D4 Sparkling Wines (previously known as Unit 5) | €380 |
D5 Fortified Wines (previously known as Unit 6) | €380 |
D6 Research Assignment Submission (previously known as Unit 1 CWA) | €252 |
D3 Wines of the World (previously known as Unit 3)
Re-sit candidates who previously sat D3 or U3 must sit all failed assessments in their entirety on two consecutive days.
In case of cancellation, candidates can be individually registered with another APP. Registration deadlines may differ in other APPs.
Times above are not inclusive of registration times; this will be confirmed when you book your examination(s).
Exam prices have been readjusted. Due to Brexit all imports form non-European Union countries are now subjected to customs, taxes and duties.
Resit Booking Conditions
WSPC does not accept provisional bookings. Your place will only be confirmed once payment has been received. Bookings will only be accepted on valid forms with signed / agreed student declaration (“Resit Booking Form”) and the required authorization for invoice request booking for account holders.
Cancellations of a confirmed examination booking can only be made prior to the specified registration cut-off date. A €45.00 cancellation fee will be deducted from the refund. Fees will not be refunded after the registration cut-off date.
Only students that have attended a programme of study will be eligible to attend one of the exam dates.
A minimum of 8 candidates is required for each examination. In case of low enrollment WSPC reserves the right to cancel any re-sit Exam. In case of cancellation, candidates can be individually registered with another APP.
Examination conditions and regulations
- Upon registration for an examination, candidates are deemed to acknowledge and agree to the following specific conditions:
- at the start of the examination all candidates must supply the invigilator with proof of identity in the form of photographic ID, a valid passport or valid driver’s license
- Candidates must have their own: pencil type HB2, eraser, sharpener
- Candidates must have their own individual water bottle
- the examination is to be completed in the time specified
- no reference is to be made to any material, in whatever form, other than the examination question paper and answer sheet
- once the invigilator has declared that examination conditions are in place, no communication of any kind between candidates is permitted until they have left the examination room or the invigilator has announced the end of the examination
- during the examination candidates are only permitted to have the following items on their desk: tasting glasses, spittoon, pencils, erasers, and drinking water
- it is prohibited for candidates to take any photographs of the examination room or examination materials
- for tasting examinations candidates should not wear perfume, aftershave lotion or any other strong scent
- the use of electronic devices of any kind is prohibited
- mobile phones must not be on the examination desk, they must be switched off and placed out of sight
- the use of dictionaries of any kind is prohibited
- the use of audible ‘alarms’ on any clock or watch is prohibited
- candidates may not leave the room until the first 15 minutes of the examination time have elapsed
- candidates who arrive late may be allowed to enter the room at the discretion of the invigilator and only if other candidates are not compromised. Under normal circumstances we would not expect any candidate to be allowed to start the examination if they arrive more than 30 minutes after the published start time
- candidates who arrive after the published start time will NOT be allowed to sit the examination if any other candidate has already left the examination
- candidates may not leave, and then return to, the examination room once the examination has started unless they can be accompanied by an invigilator at all times while they are out of the examination room
- candidates who complete the examination/assessment early may leave the examination room up until the last 10 minutes, providing they do not disturb other candidates; no re-admission is permitted
- invigilators have no authority to comment upon, interpret, or express an opinion on any examination question
- any candidate who is suspected of misconduct will be advised to leave the examination room immediately and their examination paper will be submitted to the Examination Panel to determine its validity
- no examination question papers are to be removed from the examination room; candidates who fail to submit the question paper with their answer sheet will be deemed guilty of misconduct
- it is prohibited for candidates to reveal the content of examination papers to others, or reproduce it in any way.
- Candidates agree to abide by the invigilator’s instructions. Failure to do so may render a candidate’s results invalid.
- WSET reserves the right to permanently exclude candidates found guilty of misconduct from WSET qualifications.
- Examination papers submitted for marking become the property of WSET Awards and will not be returned to candidates.
Examination Feedback, Enquiries and Appeals
- Candidates requiring an enquiry (re-mark) or an enquiry and feedback on their examination paper should contact WSPC and request the Enquiry and Feedback Form. The form must be completed and submitted to WSPC along with the appropriate fee within 10 working days of the issue of results by WSET Awards to the WSPC. Any request received outside this time-frame will not be reviewed. Enquiries and feedbacks will be issued within 12 weeks of receipt by WSET Awards
- An enquiry with feedback can only be requested for fail grades.
- Any candidate dissatisfied with the result of an enquiry of an examination paper should contact WSPC and request an Appeal against Enquiry Application Form. The form must be completed and returned to WSPC, together with the appropriate fee, no more than 5 working days following notification of the enquiry decision. Appeals received outside this time-frame will not be reviewed. Appeals will be issued within 12 weeks of receipt by WSET Awards.
Where is the course taking place?
One of the 4 Blocks of this special program is taking place in Santorini, enhancing the study course with an experiential discovery of the renowned region with roots going back to antiquity: meeting the winemakers, visiting the volcanic phylloxera-immune vineyard and tasting wines of sheer character.
The rest of the Blocks will be held in Athens, at the highly impressive and spacious premises of WSPC at Paleo Faliro, an area less than 5km outside the city center.
Click here for the virtual tour of our premises (video with sound)
How can I prepare for the course?
This document will help you better understand the courses requirements and better organize your studying so as to achieve the best possible results during the exams.
The following two books are strongly recommended:
- Understanding Wine Technology: The Science of Wine Explained – by David Bird (Author)
- Viticulture: An introduction to commercial grape growing for wine production – by Stephen Skelton MW (Author)
Is VAT included in the tuition fees?
WSPC is a certified educational body of the Greek Ministry of Education. No VAT is being applied to the certified educational organizations.
What does the tuition fees include?
Access to all study materials of the course, your 3-year registration to WSET Diploma, the first attempt to all the exam Units, the exam papers, your Certificate, the wines and/ or spirit samples needed (we are not accepting free samples), an one calendar year subscription to Jancis Robinsons’ purple pages, and all the organizational logistics of the program.
*In the event that in-person classes, by reason of force majeure, are cancelled and are rescheduled online, the added expenses of shipping, bottling and packaging of the wine tasting samples that will be sent to the students burden exclusively the students.
Are the expenses of accommodation included in the fees?
All accommodation and travel expenses, in any location, burden exclusively the students.
Can I pay with installments?
Yes. Through our e-shop (link) you can use your credit card and pay in installments.
Is there any financial aid program like a scholarship that I could take part in?
Yes. Stand a chance to win part of the tuition fees by participating in the WSPC Diploma Bursary programme.
The WSPC Diploma Bursary scheme initiative is open to all our enrolled Diploma Students of each class every year. All confirmed Bursary candidates will be required to write an essay on a specific topic and the top 3 Bursary winners will win part of their tuition fees, an important aid to the demanding endeavor ahead of them.
Can I resit if I fail or if I don’t attend the examination?
Candidates may contact WSPC and request the Resit Booking Form. The form must be completed and submitted to WSPC along with the appropriate fee within the given deadline. There is no limit on the number of attempts that may be made.
How do I receive my Certificate?
Following the successful completion of the course and receiving passing grades in each and every section, your Certificate will be issued by WSET. You will receive your Certificate along with the relevant pin by WSPC, during the Graduation Ceremony.
What will happen if the classes are interrupted due to force majeure, as happened with the COVID-19 pandemic?
In the occasion that the Greek Government imposes restrictions and or lockdown to educational organizations and in-person classes are interrupted, WSPC will provide the courses through an online platform and lessons will continue as normal. The online courses are an exact extension and continuation of your studies, within the respective regulations required by the Greek Ministry of Education.
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