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  /  HONORSHIPS   /  Dinos Stergidis Hon AIWS

Dinos Stergidis Hon AIWS

Dinos Stergidis is a wine journalist and the general manager of the wine communications company Vinetum. He is a Political Sciences graduate from the University of Washington (USA), the Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris XII in City Planning and the Centre de Formation des Journalistes of Sorbonne in Journalism.

In the mid 1980’s he left city planning behind to focus on wine, for which he had begun writing while living in France. His first article was published in Athinorama magazine 35 years ago in March of 1987 and was about the French capital’s wine schools. A few years prior to that he has organized the first Greek wine tasting to take place in Paris. He returned to Greece in 1990 and soon after founded the Greek Wine Writers Association focused on developing the profession of wine writers in Greece. He was the first wine journalist to travel to all the PDO zones of Greece which he then presented in a series of articles in the magazine “Gefsi” (Flavour/Taste). In 1991 he organized the first trip for foreign journalists in Greece, to the Macedonia vineyard. He has published hundreds of articles in various publications in Greece and abroad and has participated as a judge in dozens of international wine competitions.

In 1994 he created Oenorama, the 1st trade show in Greece dedicated exclusively to wine and oenological equipment. In 2000 he founded the company Vinetum, which for the past 20 years has organized over 200 wine related events, introducing significant innovations in wine communication. Today, Oenorama is the no. 1 wine trade show in Greece and the largest Greek Wine trade show in the world.

Mr. Stergidis is also a board member of the American Community School in Athens as well as the president for several years, where he develops his interest in education. He is married to Nataly and they have three daughters.

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