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HESTIA Advanced Certificate

About this course

HESTIA Advanced Certificate
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A fully structured educational program, taught in Greek exclusively focusing on the Greek world of wines.

About the course

The WSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS has been designed to offer deep knowledge and understanding in the style and quality of wines from the principal varieties and wine regions in Greece and Cyprus, as well as the main Greek Spirits.

The HESTIA Certificate is addressed to students aspiring to obtain the WSET Diploma as well as to professionals aiming to develop the Greek products/wines in the domestic and international market.

The WSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS is addressed to Level 2 graduates, whether professionals or wine connoisseurs.

A successful performance in both parts of the examination (theoretical & practical) is a prerequisite to be awarded the Certification.


The WSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS aims to instil knowledge and skills to Greek professionals and to transmit knowledge of the Greek world of wines to the rest of the world.

The holders of this qualification will be able to make a professional assessment of a wine or spirit with regard to its style, quality and price, while also being fully cognizant of a series of products needed to fulfil a set of demanding tasks, such as the addition of a new product code in a portfolio or a restaurant or bar list. Therefore, they will be able to provide specialized answers to consumers selecting wines and spirits considering the special conditions/requirements on a case-by-case basis.

It should be underscored that the Greek wine is now present in the examinations of world class educational programs, such as the WSET Diploma and the Institute of Masters of Wine (IMW).

Overall, this educational program comprises 43 hours of classes and examinations.

The results are announced within 6 working weeks from the examinations date. Studying the WSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS is particularly recommended for taking the studies to the next level, the WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines, the flagship of WSET® studies.

Program of Courses and Curriculum
HESTIA Level 3 PLUS-The world of Greek Wine

Learning outcomes

There seven learning outcomes split in two units to achieve the Certification’s purpose.

Unit 1 : The Theory of Greek Wines

Learning Outcome 1: History of wine in Greece, Geography, Climate, Introduction to Greek Wines tasting.
  • The history of Greek wine and its evolution from the antiquity to the present day.
  • Natural factors in the vineyard affecting the style and quality of the wines.
Learning Outcome 2: Viticulture, Wine making, Labelling
  • Human factors in the vineyard determine the style and quality of the wines.
  • Viticultural practices and production processes used in the Greek vineyards.
  • Winemaking methods.
  • Wine legislation, quality categories and wine labels terms.
Learning Outcome 3: White Greek and foreign varieties, Greek red varieties.
  • Principal Greek and foreign white varieties and description of their physical and organoleptic properties.
  • Principal Greek red varieties and description of their physical and organoleptic properties.
Learning Outcome 4: Red Greek and foreign varieties.
  • Principal Greek and foreign red varieties and description of their physical and organoleptic properties.
Learning Outcome 5: Macedonia, Thessaly, Mainland Greece (Sterea), Peloponnese, Crete, Aegean Islands, Epirus, Ionian Islands, Cyprus.
  • Natural factors impacting on the style and the quality of the wines produced in the different regions of Macedonia, Thessaly, Mainland Greece (Sterea), Peloponnese, Crete and the remaining wine producing islands of the Aegean, Thrace, Epirus and Ionian Islands, Cyprus.
  • Grapes varieties grown in the different regions of the prefecture and their characteristics.
  • Main Designations of Origin and representative styles of wines produced therein.
Learning Outcome 6: Sparkling wines, Sweet wines, Spirits
  • Regions in Greece producing sparkling wines.
  • Grape varieties and styles of sparkling wines produced in different wine producing regions.
  • Regions in Greece producing sweet wines.
  • Production methods for sweet wines.
  • Grape varieties and styles of sweet wines produced in different wine producing regions.
  • History and evolution of distillation in Greece.
  • Types and styles of spirits and of other alcoholic drinks produced in Greece.
  • Regions and Designations of Origin in spirits produced in different regions of Greece.
  • Production methods of spirits produced in Greece.

Unit 2 : The Analytical Tasting of Greek Wines

Learning Outcome 7: Accurately describe the key characteristics of the Greek wines & spirits and use the description to make an assessment of quality and an assessment of their readiness for drinking.
  • Accurately describe the key characteristics of any Greek wine and spirit using the WSET Level 3 Systematic Approach to Tasting.
  • Assess the quality and the readiness for drinking of any Greek wine and spirit using the WSET Level 3 Systematic Approach to Tasting.


  • Express your interest by phone (210 9882540 & 544) or via e-mail(
    Your enrollment is finalized with the pre-payment of the tuition fees, either through eshop, or through a bank account deposit/ web-banking.
  • After the deposit of tuition fees, a Registration Form is sent to you that you should fill in. Upon correct submission of the Registration Form, your registration is automatically completed.
  • Candidate students allowed to participate should be over the age of 18 and holders of Level 2 in Wines certification.
  • Candidate students must have an e-mail address to enroll. Any important information regarding your studies is sent by e-mail.
  • Awarding the WSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS to successful students:

The WSPC sends by courier the WSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS certificate to successful students. The cost for dispatching the certificates shall be borne by the recipient to make sure that this official document will reach the beneficiary on own responsibility.

WSPC shall assume no responsibility in case of negligence in receiving the certificate on behalf of the beneficiary. In case of certificate loss, re-issuing will cost €50.00.

  • Enrollment corresponds to the course selected by the student. Fees shall not be refundable and shall not be used for enrollment on a next similar course.
  • Upon lapse of the registration deadline, there will be no late registration. In the event of a late registration, students shall be encumbered with an additional charge amounting to €90 + V.A.T.
  • WSPC shall reserve the right to cancel a course, if the required minimum number of students is not reached. In such a case, the enrolled students shall be credited the entire deposited amount.

Modes of payment:

By Bank deposit to:

  • Alpha Bank IBAN: GR33 0140 1180 1180 0233 0000 482 (WSPC L.T.D).
  • Piraeus Bank IBAN: GR73 0171 7270 0067 2711 3141 025 (private higher education school).
  • Eurobank IBAN: GR06 0260 0190 0005 4020 1143 015 (private higher education school, Vocational Center).

Justification of deposit: Student’s full name, or corporate trade name, in case of a corporate expenditure.

By Credit/Debit card Visa & MasterCard

Basic principles

The purpose of this information is to help our students understand basic principles of behavior that need to be respected throughout the classes.

A class should provide a friendly and harmonious environment, able to promote a high level of learning progress, ensuring a smooth running of the course and respect towards all parties involved in the learning process-both students and instructor.

Don’t miss a class

It has been proven that students who do not miss classes and are assiduous in attending the course, have more chances to perform better in the examination and pass the test with a higher mark. It is students’ personal responsibility to fill in the gap and look out for notes, exercises, homework or/and flights of wines relevant to the class.

Don’t be late for the class

It is a sign of respect vis-à-vis your fellow students and your instructor. Should it happen due to special circumstances, students should enter the classroom as discreetly and quickly as possible, picking the first available classroom desk.

Come prepared to the class

Preparation constitutes an important part of your effort to better comprehend the teaching material and have fewer questions. Students who submit their papers within the deadlines set, manage to maintain a better flow in their studies and to better assimilate the material, significantly raising the chances of successful performance at the exams and with a higher mark. Any assigned tasks submitted overdue shall be dismissed. However, students may correct themselves at home, having as a guide the recommended form of answering applying in every task.

Switch off your mobile phone at the beginning of the class

It is a sign of respect vis-à-vis your fellow students and your instructor. The use of mobile phones in the classroom is highly annoying and distracts students’ attention. If you are expecting an urgent call, you are kindly requested to inform your instructor at the beginning of the class and keep your phone on silent mode. Once you see the incoming call, leave the classroom as discreetly as possible.

Be aware that any portable electronic apparatus (mobile phone, laptop, MP3 player etc) shall not be allowed during the class. For your reference, you may take a photo of the bottles used in wine tasting during the break or at the end of the class (the bottles remain in a visible spot).

Don’t talk to each other during the class

It is a sign of respect vis-à-vis your fellow students and your instructor. The noise provoked from chatting is likely to distract the instructor and other fellow students, thus disrupting the smooth flow of the class.

Don’t monopolize the floor by raising too many questions preventing your fellow students from submitting their queries

Questions facilitate a broad understanding of the lesson. The time allocated for questions is up to the instructor’s discretion (either during or at the end of the lesson). However, students should take into account the available time for questions, reducing the number of questions addressed to the instructor and enabling their fellow students to raise their own questions.


Important Information on the examinations

The examination for the WSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS is a closed-book assessment comprised of:
  • Theory examination of 70 minutes:
    75 multiple choice questions. Successful performance at this unit requires a minimum mark of 55%.
  • Practical examination of 30 minutes:
    Blind tasting of two wines. Successful performance at this unit requires a total minimum mark of 55%.
  • The language of examination will be Greece.



Mark of 80% and above and
blind tasting of 65% & above
Pass with Distinction
Mark of between 65% and 79% Pass with Merit
Mark of between 55% and 64% Pass
Mark of between 45% and 54% Fail
Mark of 44% and below Fail Unclassified
Persons with Disabilities

Candidates with special examination and assessment requirements, are requested to inform the Enrollments officer and/or the Examinations officer on any such requirement prior to enrollment on a Program. It is the policy of WSET Awards that such candidates should not be placed at a disadvantaged position during the courses or at the examinations. Where appropriate, WSPC and WSET may request from the student to submit an official medical opinion by a qualified state body related to the candidate in question.


Candidates may apply to resit the examination if they failed the examinations. There is no limit on the number of attempts to resit the examinations. Candidates who have passed the examinations are not allowed to resit to improve their grade.

  • Examinations are compulsory. If a candidate does not sit the examination on the fixed date and time, it will be possible, to request and sit the next possible examination for HESTIA on a re-sit cost (re–sit exam fee): €165.
  • o If a candidate fails the examination, it will be possible, to request and re-sit the next possible examination for HESTIA on a re-sit cost (re–sit exam feeTheory & Tasting: €165, Theory: €75, Tasting: €90.
Requirements, regulations and examination conditions
1. To participate in the examinations, candidates must adhere to the following specific conditions:
  • At the start of the examination, all candidates must submit to the invigilator a statutory identification document with a photograph (identity card or a driving license or a passport).
  • Candidates should bring their own: Hb2-type pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener.
  • Candidates must bring their own bottle of water.
  • The examination should be completed within the time foreseen.
  • No note or explanation is to be made on any material, in whatever form, other than the examination multiple-question paper and answer sheet.
  • Any communication between candidates of any kind shall not be permitted.
  • The use of electronic devices of any kind (mobile phones, smart phones, smart watches, tablets etc) shall be prohibited.
  • Candidates shall be forbidden to take photographs of the examination room or the examination material.
  • The use of any kind of dictionaries is forbidden.
  • The use of audible alarms from any kind of watch is prohibited.
  • It is at the invigilator’s discretion to allow entry to late arriving candidates and only if this does not disturb the examination process.
  • Candidates are not allowed to leave the room before the first 15 minutes of the examination time have elapsed.
  • Candidates who complete the examination prior to its official ending, may leave the room on condition that they do not disturb the other candidates. After leaving the room, re-entry shall not be allowed.
  • The invigilators have no authority to comment, interpret or express an opinion on any examination question or/and on any conceptual question raised by candidates.
  • Any candidate suspected of inappropriate behavior, shall be called upon to leave the examination room immediately and his/her examination paper shall be submitted to the Examinations Committee which shall determine its validity and any future prohibition to participating in the examinations.
  • The sheet with the examination questions shall not be removed from the examination room. Candidates who fail to submit the questions sheet along with their answer sheet, shall be considered to have breached the rules.
  • It is forbidden to reveal the examination content to others or anyhow reproduce it.
2. Candidates must also comply with the invigilator’s instructions. Failure to do so may result in the examination results becoming invalid.
3. The examination papers submitted for assessment belong to WSET® Awards and shall not be returned to candidates.
Awarding the WSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS certificate to successful students:

The WSPC sends by courier theWSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS Certificate to successful students. The cost for dispatching the certificates shall be borne by the recipient to make sure that this official document will reach the beneficiary on own responsibility.

WSPC shall assume no responsibility in case of negligence in receiving the certificate on behalf of the beneficiary. In case of certificate loss, re-issuing will cost €60.

Examination Enquiries, Feedback and Appeals
  • Candidates requesting a re-mark and/or feedback on their examination sheet shall have to contact WSPC and fill in an Enquiry & Feedback Form. The form should be filled in and be delivered to WSPC along with the corresponding monetary amount within the rigorous time frame set by your Program provider from the examination date. Any request received beyond the time frame set shall be dismissed. Re-mark and feedback will be provided by WSET Awards within two weeks following receipt of the request.
Where do classes take place?

In programs outside Athens, classes are hosted in hotel rooms. We carefully select our partners to meet the high standards of safety and hygiene required, at all levels.

Are there any conditions in place for my enrolment on classes in person and therefore for entering the school?

WSPC is subject to educational and health & safety protocols. Therefore, students eligible to participate in all in-person educational programmes must fulfil the requirements, as dictated by the relative Public Health institutions.

Is there a V.A.T rate applied on the tuition fees?

No, because WSPC is an educational organization certified by the Ministry of Education.

What do tuition fees include?

They include the Program’s books, the examination cost, the exam paper and the Qualification issuing, the teaching hours by a certified tutor, the tasting wines bought (free samples are not accepted), as well as any organizational logistics cost for the entire Program.

May I be absent from the class?

HESTIA Intensive: 1 day of absence.

HESTIA Regular: 2 days of absence.

Missing more classes beyond the above-mentioned ones, shall not be justified. Your presence is mandatory also at the examinations.

What happens if I do not show up at the examinations?

You may enrol to participate in the next scheduled examination of the Program, either in the same city or in another city where exams will be held, paying the re-sit exam fee standing at €165.

What happens if I fail the examinations?

You may enroll to participate in the next scheduled examination of the Program, either in the same city or in another city where exams will be held, paying the (re–sit exam fee) standing at:

Theory & Tasting : 165, Theory: €75, Tasting: 90.

How long does it take for the results to be announced?

It takes six (6) working weeks since the examination date.

How do I get informed about the results?

By e mail from the WSPC Admissions & Awards team.

What does it mean to succeed in examinations?

You are awarded the WSPC HESTIA Level 3 PLUS. Studying the WSPC HESTIA Advanced Certificate is particularly recommended for taking the studies to the next level, the WSET Level 4 Diploma in Wines, the flagship of WSET® studies.

How do I receive my certification?

The WSPC HESTIA Advanced Certificate is sent to you by courier. The cost for dispatching the certificates shall be borne by the recipient to make sure that this official document will reach you, as the beneficiary on own responsibility.

May I pay the fees in instalments?

Yes. Through the eshop, you may pay in installments with your credit card.

Is there a possibility for corporate enrolments?

Yes, it is possible. Contact us to fill you in.

What are the foreseen options in case classes in person are discontinued due to force majeur, as was the case with the pandemic COVID-19?

Should an unforeseen situation occur, classes continue through an online platform. Online classes constitute an accurate extension and continuation of your studies, fully aligned with the requirements as set by the circumstances and the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs.

Head of WSPC Education - Principal of WSPC Wine School

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Studying at WSPC for my Diploma in Wines was a truly transformative experience. Engaging tastings, collaborative study sessions and expert guidance provided a comprehensive understanding of the world of wine. It’s a journey that not only enriched my knowledge but also fueled my passion for wine.

Dimitris Zannikos


Studying at WSPC has been an enriching journey through the world of wine. The engaging curriculum, the dedicated WSPC team with the extensive knowledge & expertise in their field have been fostered my wine knowledge growth creating a unique learning experience. I am truly grateful for the depth of knowledge and skills acquired.

Vassilis Falkos


I was born and raised in Munich and have always been passionate about wine culture. . I have a university degree in food science, which originally introduced me to the science of winemaking. I discovered the WSET institution and decided to take the courses related to wine! I am very happy to accomplish the Diploma! It was a big challenge but a great journey as well! I am regularly hosting and/or participating in various events, including wine tastings and exhibitions. I was happy to do my studies in the WSPC. Mr. Konstantinos Lazarakis MW and his colleagues were always there for any questions and support!

Margarita Martini


Learn as if you were to live forever, they say and this is how my WSET Diploma journey started. For the first time I was sitting in a class together with real winemakers, sommeliers and wine merchants learning about wine and acquiring an in-depth knowledge. Visiting the breathtaking island of Santorini and its iconic wineries during a whole week, is a game changing experience not to be missed.

Manuela Labhard


Studying at WSPC may be one of the most beneficial experiences I have had as a student. From the very first day students have highly experienced tutors by their side and the whole staff assists them with any inquiry. WSPC is undoubtedly the right choice to gain in depth knowledge of the world of wine and beverages.

Filippos Sklavos


To study wine, you need to feel inspired. I have studied all four levels of WSET at WSPC. During that time, my tutors Efstathios Saltas at Levels 1 and 2, Gregory Michailos at Level 3 and Konstantinos Lazarakis MW, at Level 4, were truly inspirational and reminded me that wine is above all, an exciting journey!

Maria Massoura


It was an outstanding experience that I would recommend to anyone who would like to elevate their wine knowledge, critical thinking, and tasting skills to take part! Having guidance from Konstantinos Lazarakis MW together with the support of the whole WSPC team made the journey even more enjoyable!

Konstantinos Chatzimitakos


The course through to the acquisition of Diploma degree was a proactive journey to all the terroirs of the world where wine is produced. The secret tales that were revealed to us, from Konstantinos and Andreas, over the tastings of numerous wines from around the globe created a magical atmosphere, that will be remembered for a long time.

Ilias Roussakis


My experience in WSPC started back in 2015 with WSET Level 1, where I had my first encounter with the world of wine. As I proceeded, I gained a lot of insight and confidence and instinctively, continued to seek for more. This led me to the final level of the Diploma, tasting wines from all over the world, learning about the corresponding viticultural and winemaking techniques and how to link them directly to the result. As a new winemaker, I carry this achievement throughout my professional life!

Emorfili Mavridou


My experience at WSPC was very interesting, especially the Santorini block which enabled us to travel to the island under such special circumstances. Konstantinos Lazarakis is a charismatic teacher who transmits his knowledge with humour and enthusiasm, which makes learning a bright experience.

Anna Milan


The high level of seminars, the well-structured educational material, and the participation of renowned professionals with high working experience raised the level of teaching. The knowledge I was exposed too, was practically applied, and helped both my professional and personal development.

George Manetas

Barista Roasters Coffee

After years of experience as a Barista, I decided to try a more responsible position in the hospitality sector. I had to enrich my CV with a relevant qualification to be able to claim the position I coveted at the hotel where I had worked in the past. After a lot of research, I decided to enrol on the BSA seminar due to its prestige and international acclaim because the hotel unit I was interested in working was a foreign interest company. Indeed, it was the best step I took because I was finally selected for the job, after also completing a seminar in bartending. This is indeed a truly substantial and interesting seminar useful to any barista wishing to make a career.


F & B Manager Potidea Holidays Hotel

I chose this seminar because its thematic units, both in theory and practice, span across the entire range of a Barista responsibilities. As I didn’t have previous working experience in the field, the theory on coffee and tea, learning the proper use of an espresso machine and the training in the different extraction methods, enabled me to look for a job and to now being employed by one of the largest Greek coffee chains.

Xrhstos Strathgakis

Head Barista Coffee shop

On top of being my job, coffee is also my passion and therefore I wanted to broaden my knowledge. After doing research, I discovered that many seminars are offered on coffee, without providing either international certification, or a degree. So, I chose the BSA and it was the best thing I could do for myself. The training was awesome, and I was able to practically understand all the theory; the tutors, with their high level of expertise and the ability to transmit knowledge stood by my side, always smiley and patient, ready to answer all my questions (many indeed!); I acquired abundant knowledge building on the already existing one. The most important of all was that on completion of the program, I went back to my workplace, fully capable of applying all this knowledge. For all the above reasons and for many more, I decided to pursue my training at BSA and my experience became even more fascinating achieving also the Level 2 high-end qualification.

Alkmhnh Krustalidi

Barista Coffee Island

I attended this seminar because I wanted to focus on hot beverages; there is a whole philosophy behind this category that I wanted to learn about. It was an excellent seminar with tutors displaying a high level of expertise both in theory and practice. First and foremost, it was a useful seminar because by learning the history of raw materials, we learn to respect the raw materials quality and quantity. The techniques being taught are also very important as they impact on the outcome.

Alexandra Kyritsi

Loumidis Coffee Shops

Coffee is for me a journey in a world of unique experiences, high demands, and successive changes. Therefore, as a professional I need to continuously update my knowledge to offer myself and consumers the pleasure of this journey. So, picking Marilena, Vaggelis and the rest of the team, I discovered a unique interactive, educational experience. In addition to the abundance of knowledge found in the full and perfectly structured educational material, I discovered mistakes I used to make, and I was able to drastically improve myself, helped by the structure of the seminar and the application of knowledge in real life. It is also worth mentioning the state-of-the-art equipment, the impeccable running of exams and the ongoing professional support on completion of seminars. I would like to thank my buddies for the beautiful and special moments. Keep going.

Thomas Koloniatis

Executive Barista at Gregory’s, Beverage manager

The seminar offered me targeted knowledge, without dwelling on generalities. The tutors provided analytical teaching both in theory and in practice. I totally recommend that all young passionate practitioners, with love for coffee, enrol on Levels 1 & 2 to acquire the basic knowledge required for every young Barista starting a career and for further building up knowledge, combined with the work experience, in the immense and ever evolving world of coffee.

Plakoutsis Konstantinos

Head bartender TATOI TENNIS CLUB

In 2014, following a recommendation by some professionals in the wine industry, I began my studies in WSPC, attending the WSET Level 1; at this point I couldn't begin to imagine how long and special this journey would turn out. The excellent structure of the school's curriculum, the imparting of knowledge on every aspect of wine, the familiarisation with all the wine regions of the world combined with the high level and the ethos of tutors encouraged me to continue studying, advancing to higher levels with an increasing momentum. So, in 2017, and while being professionally active in a totally different industry, I found myself in Santorini, kicking off the fascinating path of WSET Diploma. It is an uncommon, demanding, but above all an exciting journey that I managed to successfully accomplish by obtaining the much-coveted qualification in 2019.

Pavlos Trilyrakis


The well-structured, rigorous education and the charm of the teaching staff motivated me to go as far as WSET Level 3 and WSPC HESTIA Advanced Certificate and I am now seriously thinking of attempting the WSET Diploma. My job is not related to wine but to printings of refrigerator food labels and content production for various sectors. However, wine is an important part of my life and in the upcoming period I will expand my professional activities in this sector.

Prokopis Karydakis


I began my studies in wine and spirits at WSPC where I attended Levels 1,2,3 in wines, HESTIA Certificate and Spirits. In 2017, I embarked on WSET DIPLOMA and I will never forget the top level of education and teaching. A very important part for me is the Pan-Hellenic Association of Sommeliers.

Stathis Tsokos


Knowing that WSET is the top school for studies in wine, in 2016 I began my studies at WSPC Wine & Spirit Professional Center. The school’s excellent organization, the highly trained tutors, the very well-structured curriculum per level of qualification offering a thorough education and the school’s new premises were my incentive and inspiration to fervently complete, notwithstanding the challenges, the first three WSET L1-L2-L3 and the L3 HESTIA Certificate. And although my career, for many years now, is in stark contrast to the world of wine, as I am a mechanical engineer, the world of wine cast its spell on me and I am now attending at the WSPC, the WSET Diploma, the most challenging, albeit fascinating, wine journey.

Andriana Foi


Through WSPC, the best organization in the wine industry, both in Greece and abroad, I met wonderful people with dedication and love for wine. A team of professionals ready to teach students everything about wine. Acquiring WSPC Level 4, the WSET Diploma, I expect to complete this journey having in parallel started the Court of Master Sommeliers (CMS Europe), a program with a hospitality-oriented focus. All these studies combined with my working experience in wine restaurants and in Michelin-star rated restaurants led me to the ‘wine paradise’ where I am currently working, the Private Members Club 67 PallMall in London.

Faidon Dernikos


It was back in 2015 when I became a student at WSPC. I didn’t have to think it twice, the wine training offered by the school is excellent. First and foremost, the school offers wine education and behaviour! Students acquire critical thinking. Not only are we taught by top level tutors to describe, judge, and score a wine but also to respect wine, its culture, the land, the winemaker and the vine grower. I would like to personally thank WSPC, Mr. Konstantinos Lazarakis and first and foremost my mentor, Mr. Yiannis Koulelis who taught me how to love wine and broaden my wine horizons daily; to long for learning, to constantly discover why this journey in the world of wine is endless!

Lena Tsatsoni

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