Tina Papasinou
MSc, DipWSET - Tutor of WSPC Wine & Coffee School
Wine enjoyment requires knowledge. It is a lifelong process that has a beginning but no end. I believe it is important for anyone embarking on this journey to have a foundation, a sturdy on in fact. Having been a student at WSPC I realize that knowledge is built on daily with persistence on behalf of the student and proper guidance on behalf of the organization. It is thrilling, when going up these steps, to realize how much there is yet to learn. In my journey up to now I have met and I meet people that I admire and share the same passion with. Blessed lands that bore great wines. Diverse cultures reflected in the glass. And all this is always around a bottle of wine. The journey in the world of wine is long – everlasting I would say, and delightful.
Tina Papasinou studied “Oenology & Beverage Technology” at the Faculty of Food Technology & Nutrition at TEI Athens. She obtained her Master’s Degree in “Food Technology- Quality Assurance” awarded by the department of Food Biosciences of the University of Reading in Britain.
Her love of wine led her to continuing her studies in Greece, obtaining the Wine and Spirit Education Trust’s Diploma. Since 2006 she has been working as a tutor at WSPC – the Greek app of WSET® and is in fact, so far, the only female tutor of WSPC® programmes.
She has worked for the Hatzimichalis Estate for more than ten years, in sales and winemaking support and is also the manager of winegarage.gr. Since 2016 she is a columnist for the magazine OENOHOOS, but the most important and demanding specialization she is trying to conquer is that of raising her two young sons!