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Ioannis Boutaris Ioannis Boutaris was born in Thessaloniki (1942). He is a graduate of the Department of Chemistry of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holds the Diploma of Oenology from the Wine Institute (1967). He has served as Deputy Director, Technical Director and Managing Director of the family business J. Boutaris & Son Wineries S.A. (1969 – 1996). In 1996 he stepped down from the family business and founded “Kyr-Yiannis S.A.” with the

Stavroula Kourakou-Dragona was born in Athens in 1928 A Doctor of chemical science she studied oenology in France, ran the Wine Institute for twenty years (1964-1984) This was a research facility reporting to the then Ministry of Agriculture, where she worked as a researcher from 1953. As Head of the Foundation in 1964 she proposed the legal establishment and protection of Greek wine regions which could be categorised as wines from a specific geographical area to

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