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Methods of payment

  /  Methods of payment

By bank deposit (following your order at the eshop):

  • Alpha Bank IBAN: GR33 0140 1180 1180 0233 0000 482 (WSPC L.T.D).
  • Piraeus Bank IBAN: GR73 0171 7270 0067 2711 3141 025 (private higher education school).
  • Eurobank IBAN: GR06 0260 0190 0005 4020 1143 015 (private higher education school, Vocational Center).

When depositing the fees, candidates are required to complete their full name & details. In the case of the deposits made by Firms, the full company name & address must be shown.

Credit card:

Visa, MasterCard & Maestro (for full payment or payment by instalments).

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