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Studies in Wine

  /  Studies in Wine

How to begin
my studies in Wine

For a customized Program of studies, call the WSPC Student Counselling Line at: 210 9882540 & 544 or contact us by email:

Student Counsellors: Ms M. Skoula.

COMBO Programs

With the COMBO Programs, the flow of studies may be accelerated-saving time, energy and money for students. At any level of education you may attend (applicable up to Levels 3) or/and at any category of Learning: Wine, Spirits, Sommelier, Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, there is definitely an available COMBO Program you may choose to enrol per academic semester.

The flow of studies

The WSPC® study programmes are addressed to a broad array of market specialties – viticulturists, wine makers, oenologists, Sommeliers, Bartenders, Baristas, Wholesalers, Retailers, Business executives from all sectors up to individuals/wine lovers and all employment levels. The programs of study offer candidates excellent training in all trade sectors, while covering the need of executives for continued vocational training (Lifelong Learning). The WSPC® study programs can fully satisfy your demands and needs, whether you are already a professional operating in the markets of wine, spirits, coffee, tea, hospitality or tourism, or whether you aspire to join these markets.

All students – regardless of professional capacity or/and experience – begin their studies
from Level 1 in Wines, attending the levels below.



WSET Level 1 Award in Wines

Level 1 focuses on the section of food and wine pairing, through many hours of training and practice which is valuable for the daily life of a professional and an oenophil as well as for rendering a high level of services in all markets addressed to end consumers. The in-depth analysis of food & wine pairing shall be considered taught-as of this Level for all other Qualifications and we shall not revert.


The WSET Level 1 qualification is addressed to Front Line Staff working in the wine industry or managing a broad portfolio of alcoholic drinks in retail, wholesale sectors and hospitality industry. The program is designed in such a way that a simple consumer-wine lover, when attending the course, can understand concepts such as tasting, single varietal wines and the complexity of food and wine pairing. Level 1 constitutes a useful tool in connecting the wine at the restaurant, the wine cellar, at home.

Successful performance in the examinations is a prerequisite for being awarded the Certification.

You may attend the class in Person or Online.

Blocks of dates

Duration 13 hours


Duration 13 hours


Duration 13 hours


Duration 13 hours
Duration 15 hours



Level 2/ WSET Level 2 in Wines

The Level 2 in Wines Certification is suitable to support professional skills and competences wherever a good level of wine knowledge is needed. For example, this may include customer service and sales in the tourism sector and in the retail and wholesale trade industry. It is also a useful qualification for anyone with a broader interest in wine who would like to enrich their knowledge.


The WSET Level 2 in Wines Certification is addressed to Level 1 graduates. This level of studies introduces students to the global world of wines, examining the variety per country.

Successful performance in the examinations is a prerequisite for being awarded the Certification.

You may attend the class in Person or Online.

Blocks of dates

Duration 27 hours


Duration 27 hours


Duration 27 hours


Duration 27 hours
Duration 28 hours



The Level 3 levels are the following two:

  • The educational program exclusively for Greek Wines HESTIA Advanced Certificate and
  • The educational program / WSET Level 3 Award in Wines.

Students are recommended to choose first the program on international wines since it applies the Horizontal Learning on the global world of wines. The Level 3 in Greek Wines focuses on and analyzes Greece through multi-layered know-how (Marketing, Labels, Legislation, Wine tourism, Business Plan, Mrk Strategy, etc) applying the Vertical Learning, building on the knowledge of global wines by the student.


The WSET Level 3 in Wines Certification provides in-depth understanding of the factors contributing to the style, the quality and the price of the basic still, sparkling and fortified wines of the world. This certification is necessary for all professionals asked to evaluate wines in terms of their style, quality and price.

The HESTIA Certificate is addressed to students aspiring to obtain the WSET Diploma as well as to professionals aiming to develop the Greek products/wines in the domestic and international market.

A successful performance in both parts of the examination (theoretical & practical) is a prerequisite to be awarded the Certification for each of the two courses separately.

You may attend the class in Person or Online.

Post Levels 3 direction

Road to the American Certification of Wine Scholar Guild (WSG)

Following WSET Level 3 in Wines or HESTIA Level 3 PLUS – regardless of if a student has successfully completed the examination of the British or Greek Certification, one should move forward with the American Accreditation Wine Scholar Guild (WSG). WSG has conquered the world education market precisely because this model of learning is based on the Vertical Learning Process, analyzing the three (3) largest in sales wine producing countries in the world: Spain, Italy and France, which are also first in sales in Greece.

The road to the Court of Master Sommelier (CMS)

Specialize in Wine Service and Wine Tourism

Following the career of a sommelier you should keep in mind that you will also have the opportunity for international studies which will open the doors for all the high-end restaurants and hotels in the world. The Court of Master Sommeliers (CMS), introduces you to an international, multicultural environment. In the classroom, you will associate with fellow students from different countries in the world and you will obtain a certification of international acclaim that is recognized in the global market.

WSPC is proud of organizing these international classes. In Greece, two out of the four Levels of Studies of CMS are carried out: the Introductory Course and the Certified Exam. WSPC is also planning to host the third level of CMS, the Advanced Certificate. The educational unit of Spirits is a prerequisite for attending the Modern Sommelier Study Program and the Court of Master Sommeliers.

In order enrol in the Court of Master Sommeliers (CMS) programme students planning on working in the fields of wine service, spirits, and other alcoholic beverages whether in the Tourism, Hospitality / Hotel or Catering markets, must:

  1. Have completed WSET Level 3 in Wines. Successful completion of the exams is not a requirement.
  2. Have successfully completed WSET Levels 1 & 2 Awards in Spirits and
  3. Have successfully completed the Modern Sommelier Study Program.
Available Courses.


Duration 26 hours


Duration 26 hours

Road to the WSET Diploma

For a personalised program of studies please contact the WSPC Student Advice Line at: 10-9882540 & 544 or email us at: Study Advisers: Ms A. Polydorou and Ms M. Skoula.

The highest level of Wine Education Worldwide

Students who aim for the WSET Diploma must have at least successfully completed the WSET Level 3 Award in Wines. Lastly, they must have very good command of the English language as the entire course as well as the exams are in English. These courses are also International.

Athens 7 Santorini

Duration 163 hours

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WSPC Advantages

Student's Opinion about WSPC


Studying at WSPC for my Diploma in Wines was a truly transformative experience. Engaging tastings, collaborative study sessions and expert guidance provided a comprehensive understanding of the world of wine. It’s a journey that not only enriched my knowledge but also fueled my passion for wine.

Dimitris Zannikos


Studying at WSPC has been an enriching journey through the world of wine. The engaging curriculum, the dedicated WSPC team with the extensive knowledge & expertise in their field have been fostered my wine knowledge growth creating a unique learning experience. I am truly grateful for the depth of knowledge and skills acquired.

Vassilis Falkos


I was born and raised in Munich and have always been passionate about wine culture. . I have a university degree in food science, which originally introduced me to the science of winemaking. I discovered the WSET institution and decided to take the courses related to wine! I am very happy to accomplish the Diploma! It was a big challenge but a great journey as well! I am regularly hosting and/or participating in various events, including wine tastings and exhibitions. I was happy to do my studies in the WSPC. Mr. Konstantinos Lazarakis MW and his colleagues were always there for any questions and support!

Margarita Martini


Learn as if you were to live forever, they say and this is how my WSET Diploma journey started. For the first time I was sitting in a class together with real winemakers, sommeliers and wine merchants learning about wine and acquiring an in-depth knowledge. Visiting the breathtaking island of Santorini and its iconic wineries during a whole week, is a game changing experience not to be missed.

Manuela Labhard


Studying at WSPC may be one of the most beneficial experiences I have had as a student. From the very first day students have highly experienced tutors by their side and the whole staff assists them with any inquiry. WSPC is undoubtedly the right choice to gain in depth knowledge of the world of wine and beverages.

Filippos Sklavos


To study wine, you need to feel inspired. I have studied all four levels of WSET at WSPC. During that time, my tutors Efstathios Saltas at Levels 1 and 2, Gregory Michailos at Level 3 and Konstantinos Lazarakis MW, at Level 4, were truly inspirational and reminded me that wine is above all, an exciting journey!

Maria Massoura


It was an outstanding experience that I would recommend to anyone who would like to elevate their wine knowledge, critical thinking, and tasting skills to take part! Having guidance from Konstantinos Lazarakis MW together with the support of the whole WSPC team made the journey even more enjoyable!

Konstantinos Chatzimitakos


The course through to the acquisition of Diploma degree was a proactive journey to all the terroirs of the world where wine is produced. The secret tales that were revealed to us, from Konstantinos and Andreas, over the tastings of numerous wines from around the globe created a magical atmosphere, that will be remembered for a long time.

Ilias Roussakis


My experience in WSPC started back in 2015 with WSET Level 1, where I had my first encounter with the world of wine. As I proceeded, I gained a lot of insight and confidence and instinctively, continued to seek for more. This led me to the final level of the Diploma, tasting wines from all over the world, learning about the corresponding viticultural and winemaking techniques and how to link them directly to the result. As a new winemaker, I carry this achievement throughout my professional life!

Emorfili Mavridou


My experience at WSPC was very interesting, especially the Santorini block which enabled us to travel to the island under such special circumstances. Konstantinos Lazarakis is a charismatic teacher who transmits his knowledge with humour and enthusiasm, which makes learning a bright experience.

Anna Milan


In 2014, following a recommendation by some professionals in the wine industry, I began my studies in WSPC, attending the WSET Level 1; at this point I couldn't begin to imagine how long and special this journey would turn out. The excellent structure of the school's curriculum, the imparting of knowledge on every aspect of wine, the familiarisation with all the wine regions of the world combined with the high level and the ethos of tutors encouraged me to continue studying, advancing to higher levels with an increasing momentum. So, in 2017, and while being professionally active in a totally different industry, I found myself in Santorini, kicking off the fascinating path of WSET Diploma. It is an uncommon, demanding, but above all an exciting journey that I managed to successfully accomplish by obtaining the much-coveted qualification in 2019.

Pavlos Trilyrakis


The well-structured, rigorous education and the charm of the teaching staff motivated me to go as far as WSET Level 3 and WSPC HESTIA Advanced Certificate and I am now seriously thinking of attempting the WSET Diploma. My job is not related to wine but to printings of refrigerator food labels and content production for various sectors. However, wine is an important part of my life and in the upcoming period I will expand my professional activities in this sector.

Prokopis Karydakis


I began my studies in wine and spirits at WSPC where I attended Levels 1,2,3 in wines, HESTIA Certificate and Spirits. In 2017, I embarked on WSET DIPLOMA and I will never forget the top level of education and teaching. A very important part for me is the Pan-Hellenic Association of Sommeliers.

Stathis Tsokos


Knowing that WSET is the top school for studies in wine, in 2016 I began my studies at WSPC Wine & Spirit Professional Center. The school’s excellent organization, the highly trained tutors, the very well-structured curriculum per level of qualification offering a thorough education and the school’s new premises were my incentive and inspiration to fervently complete, notwithstanding the challenges, the first three WSET L1-L2-L3 and the L3 HESTIA Certificate. And although my career, for many years now, is in stark contrast to the world of wine, as I am a mechanical engineer, the world of wine cast its spell on me and I am now attending at the WSPC, the WSET Diploma, the most challenging, albeit fascinating, wine journey.

Andriana Foi


Through WSPC, the best organization in the wine industry, both in Greece and abroad, I met wonderful people with dedication and love for wine. A team of professionals ready to teach students everything about wine. Acquiring WSPC Level 4, the WSET Diploma, I expect to complete this journey having in parallel started the Court of Master Sommeliers (CMS Europe), a program with a hospitality-oriented focus. All these studies combined with my working experience in wine restaurants and in Michelin-star rated restaurants led me to the ‘wine paradise’ where I am currently working, the Private Members Club 67 PallMall in London.

Faidon Dernikos


It was back in 2015 when I became a student at WSPC. I didn’t have to think it twice, the wine training offered by the school is excellent. First and foremost, the school offers wine education and behaviour! Students acquire critical thinking. Not only are we taught by top level tutors to describe, judge, and score a wine but also to respect wine, its culture, the land, the winemaker and the vine grower. I would like to personally thank WSPC, Mr. Konstantinos Lazarakis and first and foremost my mentor, Mr. Yiannis Koulelis who taught me how to love wine and broaden my wine horizons daily; to long for learning, to constantly discover why this journey in the world of wine is endless!

Lena Tsatsoni


Frequently Asked Questions

What training does the WSPC provide?

On a global basis the training model provided by WSPC- Horizontal Learning across all Levels of Wine & Spirits Market – is geared to all disciplines of the market. “Horizontal Learning” means that we do not provide our students our specialised expertise in the sense of obtaining a qualification and / or degree as an Oenologist, wine-grower etc. Our students acquire a broad and deep knowledge over all the subjects pertaining to the sector (viticulture, oenology, wine-making, distillery, wine-tasting, marketing, legal aspects et al, all valuable in order to successfully meet the demands of their profession.

WSPC provides non-job specific education and resembles the methods and learning techniques used in the academic market for those studying at MBA studies level. It is geared towards wine producers, oenologists, Sommeliers, Bartenders, Baristas, Wholesalers, Retailers, business Professionals within the trade as well as Individuals / Wine lovers. WSPC Students, at the higher levels of studies – Advanced Certificate / Level 3 & Diploma / Level 4, acquire commercially relevant abilities to analyse and evaluate the quality-price ratio and the ability to investigative and understand the market and its structure. These abilities are important in all middle and senior management professionals such as Import Managers, Export Managers, Group Product Managers, Brand Managers, Sales Managers, F & B Managers, Winemakers and Chief Sommeliers.

One could say that the evaluation of a quality-price ratio is an common criteria for consumers as well. The Consumer’s behaviour on a daily basis is what affects the survival and fate of the products on the market. We consider it an honour that more and more consumers decide to acquire exactly the same knowledge as professionals, to share the same classrooms with the latter and take exactly the same exams.

Knowledge also increases the perception of the senses!

For whom are the WSPC curricula designed?

The WSPC programme – fully harmonized with the curricula of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust England, the Court of Master Sommeliers, the Beverage Standards Association (UK) and the Wine Scholar Guild (USA) – is geared to:

  1. employees of all wine production stages
  2. business executives seeking to be continuously informed on the latest developments in their field
  3. business executives seeking to obtain impeccable and internationally recognised training that will provide unique potential of advancement in their work and careers
  4. companies seeking to upgrade the staff of their departments, as well as to upgrade their products and services
  5. graduates and / or undergraduates of the Faculty of Food Technology & Nutrition – Department of Oenology and Beverage Technology, who, without needing to travel abroad to continue their further training, can instead choose to acquire the same knowledge and the same qualifications whilst staying in Greece and having the opportunity to work alongside their studies
  6. young people over 18 years who want to enter the wines, spirits and beverages market as their professional career option
  7. consumers who want to better know wine and better appreciate its complexity
In which languages are the courses taught in Greece?

The first three levels the students are taught in the Greek language.

The higher levels of studies, such as the Wine Scholar Guild the students are taught in Greek, but the exams are in English (multiple choice questions).

Taking the exam in English is an option at all levels (Levels 1-3). WSPC recommends that students sit the exam in English as early as level 1, firstly because the Greek market is inextricably linked to tourism, secondly because a professional career may lead to the field of exports, and thirdly so students are familiarized with the English language from early on as the WSET Diploma – which is the pinnacle of the educational programmes – is only taught in English.

Can I continue my studies abroad and / or vice versa?

It is possible, if a student decides to change his location, for him/her to continue in whatever other authorized WSET England centre abroad. In this case, we transfer the student’s attendance information (ie: student code number, passing grade etc.) to the corresponding Approved Program Provider (APP) abroad. Please note that the most important thing is for the student to speak the native language of the country where the Centre is located.

Of course, the opposite is also possible. A student planning to be repatriated can continue his/her studies following the previous Level of Studies which he/she has successfully graduated in another country. The same applies to an International student who wishes to enrol in Greece.

Are the WSET, WSG & BSA diplomas recognised?

The WSET and BSA diplomas are recognized by the English state and the WSG diplomas are recognised by the U.S.A. What is most important however is that all certifications and all organizations affiliated with WSPC are recognized Internationally and also by the Greek market.

It is imperative that interprofessional education identifies with the real market – that the tutors are the professionals of the present and our graduates are the professionals of the future.

Even from the earliest years of WSPC’s operation, bright names and personalities in the field have honoured our classrooms. All companies within the wine and spirits industry have chosen to prepare their executives through the WSPC. The WSPC Studies Levels are considered as a criteria for evaluation of CVs by the relevant departments and / or managers of companies in the broader field of hospitality and tourism.

What do the lessons consist of?

At all levels of study the Course is divided into 2,5 hour lessons and each lesson is divided into two parts: the theoretical and the practical-tasting part. For the teaching of the theoretical part of the course, students are provided WSET books in Greek as well as WSPC’s study guides. Students have the option of acquiring the original textbook in English.

Regarding BSA, WSPC provides students with its own Greek textbooks, fully compliant with the requirements of the British organization.

WSG has English textbooks and a plethora of interactive educational techniques online that aid students in comprehending the subject matter and requirements as well in the successful completion of the exams. In addition, the textbook of each country is also provided in e-book form.

The practical-tasting part of the course, of all organizations, is covered by an excess number of wines and labels and/or an excess of educational hours and practical training in all educational unites in comparison to not only the Greek market but the International market as well. All course and/or practical training samples are in full accordance with the syllabus indicated by the WSET for each level of studies.

Attendance and successful graduation of each level of study is completed through examinations which each student is required to attend and pass so as to be considered a graduate and to continue his/her studies to the next Level of Study.

Just as the Structure / Syllabus of the educational programmes are set by England and the USA, so are the examinations fully controlled by our affiliated parent organization. About 7 days before the students sit the exams the Examinations Officer of each country receives the tests from England and the next working day after the exams, they are sent back to England for evaluation.

Finally, the companies that finance the tuition of the candidates attending our Educational Programmes are informed of the results of their subordinate colleagues.

What qualifications are required for registration?

No specific qualifications are required for registration of a prospective student, except that he/she should have completed 18 years of age and that he/she has successfully completed the previous prerequisite level of studies.

What level of Studies is it desirable/necessary to reach?

Professionals in the sector: For professional positions within the wine and spirits sector, it is considered necessary to study to at least Level 3 Studies (Advanced Certificate), thus acquiring a high level of knowledge of the Greek and international markets. Acquiring the leading WSET Diploma qualification could be considered essential for those Professionals who wish to acquire unique skills to help their personal and professional development or even their career in order to have the ability to display their knowledge in a manner suited to the competitive international and local wine, spirits, sommellerie and non-alcoholic beverages market.

Individuals / Wine lovers: Individuals – Wine-lovers – simple consumers can comfortably attend up to WSPC Level 2 of studies. Upon conclusion they will have covered the knowledge of the basics of world wines varieties as well as of the correct wine and food matching. In this way they will have acquired adequate knowledge essential in both their social events (restaurant) as well as in their daily lives (home). They will feel more able to choose for themselves “labels” from restaurant wine-lists and can easily navigate a cellar in search of a suitable wine to accompany their meal at home.

It is worth mentioning here that the all the individuals / Wine-lovers who have attended Level 3 of studies (WSET Advanced Certificate) have almost always graduated successfully. They then quite seriously consider the possibility of continuing their studies to WSET Diploma level, in spite of the fact that it is considered, internationally as one of the most difficult Diplomas in the world.

It is also noteworthy that individuals / wine-lovers taking exam usually score higher than professionals do. This is evidence of their need – both emotional and pragmatic – to learn as much as they can about wine and spirits, and to satisfy their continuous thirst for knowledge about them.

How often do courses start in Athens and other cities?

Click here to see our Detailed course schedule

What is the length of the course in Athens and other cities?

At all levels, studies in Athens are realized either in-person or online, or in Hybrid form as follows:

  1. Once a week (morning or afternoon). These courses are called «Regular».
  2. B. Classes can be conducted on consecutive days with a class duration of 2,5 hours. These courses are called «Mixed Intensity».
  3. C. Consecutive days with a class duration of 5 hours. These classes are called «Intensive».

A student attending Combo courses may select to attend a particular level in-person and other levels online. This form of “mixed attendance” is called “Hybrid”.

The WSET Level 1 has a duration of 13 hours (including examinations)

The WSET Level 2 lasts 27 hours (including examinations)

The WSET Level 3 lasts 43 hours (including examinations)

The HESTIA Advanced Certificate/Level 3 (Greek Vineyards) has a duration of 37,5 hours (including examinations).

The Level 4/ WSET Diploma has a duration of 163 hours (including examinations) that are spread across 14 months and take place in 4 BLOCKS of Consecutive Days: one week approximately every March, June, October and again the next March.

The Level 1 in Spirits has a duration of 7 hours (including examinations) and the in-person course takes place in one day.

The Level 2 in Spirits has a duration of 26 hours (including examinations).

The Modern Sommelier Study Program has a duration of 26 hours (including examinations).

The Spanish Wine Scholar has a duration of 19 hours (including examinations).

The Italian Wine Scholar/ Unit 1 has a duration of 17 hours (including examinations).

The Italian Wine Scholar/ Unit 2 has a duration of 17 hours (including examinations).

Το French Wine Scholar has a duration of 27 hours (including examinations).


All Levels Studies carried out in other Greek cities except Athens, are always conducted in intensive form. The creation of a single department with teaching hours of 14:00 to 19:00 or 10:00 – 15:00 to incorporate the working hours of both professionals from the catering and those from other areas was deemed necessary.

Intensive WSET Level 1 is completed within two consecutive days. For the exams a minimum of one week’s break is needed in order for students to have time to study. Therefore, exams usually take place about one or two weeks after the tuition and last around three hours.

Intensive WSET Level 1 in Spirits is completed within one (1) day. All day programme.

Intensive WSET Level 2 in Wines and Spirits are both completed within 5 days. For the convenience of students the five days are divided into two weeks. During the first week, students are taught part of the material within 2 five-hour sessions (2 days x 5 hours tuition a day), and the second week, students are taught part of the material within 3 five- hours sessions (3 days x 5 hours tuition a day) or vice versa.

Intensive WSET Level 3 and HESTIA Advanced Certificate are completed in 9 days (exam included). In each case, the tuition timetable depends on the town where the course takes place according to its geographical position and how easy/hard it is to access.

The educational programmes for Coffee/ Cocoa/ Tea and Smoothies take place at the WSPC Coffee-Cocoa-Tea Lab, at the organization’s headquarters in Athens, at a state of the art, ingenious 50 sq. metres laboratory – approved by BSA, for practical training of professional as well as coffee/beverage lovers.

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